Thursday, 2 June 2016

Fish oils are crucial in today's diet

Fish oils – a crucial part of today's diet

The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oils (DHA and EPA) are crucial to balance the high levels of omega 6 fatty acids we get in today's diet. The ideal ratio should be 2-to-1, omega 6 to omega 3, but the average modern diet provides a 20 to 1 ratio. This leads to inflammation and many other effects, and asthma, autoimmune disease, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity, irritable bowel, macular degeneration have all been shown to be worsened by this 3/6 imbalance. The omega-3 oils are also important components of many tissues especially brain.

Below is a very impressive list of just some of the benefits of fish oil, which is why almost everybody from conception should be taking fish oils, continuing right through life. Unfortunately it is difficult to consume enough fish to achieve the major benefits, and there is always the worry of pollutants such as mercury, PCB and insecticides which could undo much of the benefit. For this reason a high quality pure fish oil supplement is by far the safest and most likely to give benefit.

The benefits of fish oil are almost to numerous to list, but some of the important ones include:

1. ADHD and IQ in babies and children – pregnant women taking fish oil supplements have babies with better mental function. After birth a study from the University of South Australia showed that children treated with fish oil had reduced symptoms of ADHD, inattention, hyperactivity, restlessness and impossible behaviour.
2. Reduced anxiety. A study in Neuroscience sure that fish oils reversed all anxiety like and depression like behaviour changes induced in rats. While this is also been seen in humans, the purity of a rat study confirms the benefit to the brain of fish oils.
3. Arthritis – the anti-inflammatory action has been shown in many studies to improve arthritis, particularly rheumatoid.
4. Alzheimer's disease – the DHA in fish oil is crucial for the brain tissue, and fish oils have been shown to help  function in patients whose minds are failing.
5. Cancer – fish oils have been found to help kill a variety of cancer cell lines, including colon, breast and prostate. While it's impossible to do a study excluding all other treatments, most cancer patients should be taking fish oils.
6. Depression – a recent fascinating study reviewed 26 papers where fish oil and depression were discussed. Over 150,000 participants were reviewed and those who had a high intake of fish oils had an almost 20% reduction in the incidence of depression.
7. Diabetes – studies in Brain Research have shown that fish oils reduce the risks of diabetic patients developing neurological problems, but the anti-inflammatory action might also reduce the development and worsening of type II diabetes.
8. Eye diseases – fish oils have been shown to reverse dry eye, cataracts and macular degeneration.
9. Cardiovascular disease – it has been known for a long time that fish oils are beneficial to patients with coronary artery disease, not just the development of the disease, but also reducing the risk of sudden death.

It is hard to understand why all doctors are not advising their patients to take fish oil supplements, probably because of the pollution (especially mercury) found in many of the supplements, or natural fish. However good quality fish oils which are pure are available, and my advice is for everybody to take them throughout life.

Why coconut oil is so good

Why coconut oil is so good

Slowly the conventional medical attitude to fats is changing. For many years we have been telling our patients not to eat saturated fats, eat a few polyunsaturated fats and mostly monounsaturated (olive oil canola oil). In reducing the fats we have encouraged people to eat sugars and this is one of the major reasons for the obesity epidemic worldwide. All of this was on very flawed data starting from the 7 country studies of Ancel Keys who claimed to show the incidence of heart disease related to the Unfortunately there were 22 countries studied by Dr Keys but only 7 were used, when all 22 were included there was still a very slight association but much less clear (see graphs). Following this the really has been virtually no information confirming that the intake of saturated fats leads to coronary artery disease. However for many years dairy fats and any other saturated fats have been excluded from the diet of people with heart disease. We are now realising we got this totally wrong!

Coconut oil is a saturated fat, and the evidence is that eating,drinking and cooking with it does nothing but good. It contains medium chain triglycerides in addition to the saturated fats. Studies have shown that consuming coconut oil has a number of beneficial effects including:
1 It has an antioxidant effect, oxidative stress is one of the major causes of many of today's health conditions.
2. It reduces inflammation and thus can be used for inflammatory conditions such as aches, pains, fevers and even stomach ulcers.
3. It seems to have an antiseptic affect, and has been used topically to treat viral bacterial and even fungal conditions.   Many people use it instead of toothpaste.
4. Probably the most exciting but sadly so far least researched is its potential effect on the brain. The brain can only use sugar or medium chain triglycerides as its source of energy (it cannot use fat). In Alzheimer's disease the brain cannot use sugar properly, and there are many anecdotal reports that coconut oil may well improve the mental function of patients with this terrible disease.
5. There have been some reports that it helps in thyroid function, and can help in weight loss and even reduction in cholesterol (click here.)

Coconut oil can be drunk as a very refreshing cool drink, it can be added to salads and other dishes, it can be used as a cooking oil, and can also be eaten straight from the spoon.

I'm quite certain that in the coming years this very safe and natural product will become part of our staple diet.