Adult Health
Most of us reach our adult years without serious illness, but we appreciate much better, how our diet and environment can affect our health and the development of diseases. Most of today's diseases (heart disease, lung disease, gut disease, cancer, neurological diseases) were rare in our grandparent's days and are due to premature ageing and damage to the tissues or genes. The pat answer that grandpa's generation did not live long enough does not hold water - birth trauma and childhood infections were major causes of death in the 1800's and are no longer there. In those days if you reached the age of 21, then life expectancy was over 70.
So something has changed in the last 150 years - we are exposed to more toxins that our bodies cannot cope with, and our nutrition is much worse - because of the way food is grown and processed, and our choice of diet. We can change these, especially if started in our childhood.
- Avoid toxins and radiation as much as possible - in most situations this is impossible, but we can avoid food filled with preservatives and sprays (if it kills the cells of bugs - they it can hardly be good for our cells). Don't live or work under high tension electric wires, beside mobile phone towers, limit the use of mobile phones, take extra precautions if you spend a lot of time in planes (take mega doses of vitamin C).
- Eat as well as we can. This does not necessarily mean what we have been told in the past (the food pyramid should probably be reversed (see ideal diet tab above)) - but eat what nature provides - meat and fat in moderation, plenty of fruit and vegetables and restricted processed food and much less sugar than most people are eating today.
- Take regularly good nutritional supplements to make sure that our cells receive all the nutrients they require to - function properly, reproduce and defend themselves (from infections and also cancer). This does not mean a huge handful of pills - for most people just a good multivitamin and multimineral, fish oil and extra calcium and magnesium taken daily.
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