About me

About me.

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Dr Gerald R J Lewis
MB ChB, FRACP, FRCP (UK), MD (Otago)
Cardiologist & Physician

Dr Gerald Lewis is a cardiologist and a General Physician.He has an MD doctorate on the management of patients after Cardiac Surgery. 
His discovery of the value of Calcium Channel blockers in the treatment of hypertension led him to be included in the ‘Who’s Who of Medicine’, and also ‘Who’s Who in the World’.
He introduced coronary artery Calcium scanning for the early detection of coronary disease into NZ.
He has worked and researched in a number of complementary fields including chelation therapy, nutritional medicine,  iv vitamin C in cancer and infections.
He has participated and researched the value of enhanced external balloon counterpulsation (EECP) for heart and vascular disease.

He has written a number of books on Heart disease, Cancer and Nutritional Supplements, and published many articles.

He currently provides locums for Physicians in hospitals around NZ had has a private practice in Auckland. 

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