Health Books and videos for sale
Dr Gerald and his wife (Dr Monica) have written a number of books and aids which can be purchased on-line.
Individual book and video sales
"My Journey with Cancer - lessons from both ends of the stethoscope" 45-minute video (NZ$ 45).
Dr Gerald reviews the experience of being diagnosed with cancer,
chemotherapy, and complementary therapy decisions, death and dying, talking to family and friends, the value of nutrition and supplements, coping with chemotherapy, mind and spirit therapies....
A useful non-threatening easy to watch video for patients diagnosed with cancer and their families - written from a personal point of view.
Dr Gerald reviews the experience of being diagnosed with cancer,
chemotherapy, and complementary therapy decisions, death and dying, talking to family and friends, the value of nutrition and supplements, coping with chemotherapy, mind and spirit therapies....
A useful non-threatening easy to watch video for patients diagnosed with cancer and their families - written from a personal point of view.
"Cancer - a threat to your life or a chance to take control of your future?" by Dr Gerald and Dr Monica Lewis (NZ$25)
This very popular book had sold out 2 printings and is only available is only available on-line.
Designed, in easy to read language, to help patients and their relatives understand cancer, why it happens and what can be done to help. The E-book is being continually upgraded. It includes information on both conventional therapies (chemotherapy and radiotherapy) and complementary therapies, enabling the patient and advisors to make decisions based on good, reliable information.
"Most books and videos concentrate on just conventional treatments, or just on complementary alternatives - when BOTH have a place in achieving the best result. This is the purpose of this book!"
"Cancer book recording" (NZ$15)
A gentle reading of the above Cancer book. Many patients find it hard to read and concentrate - so being able to listen to this book while in bed or resting in a chair is very helpful.
"An All-Inclusive Approach to treating Cancer" (NZ$ 20)

"Coping with Chemo" (NZ$15)
Most patients fear the effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and need advice on how to best minimise the side effects. This booklet covers most of these effects and offers ways to reduce their severity. Topics covered include - bleeding and bruising, chemo brain, constipation, cramps,diarrhoea, dizziness, eye problems,fatigue, hair loss, mouth symptoms,nausea, poor appetite, nails, numbness, sexual problems, skin problems, infections, temperature, travel, urination...
Medical Consultations with Dr Gerald (NZ$100 - 150)
While it is impossible on line to give a comprehensive clinical consultation, Dr Gerald is happy to give his thoughts, offer a second opinion including both conventional and complementary advice on any medical condition.
All advice should be discussed with your health professional before instituting any changes. Contact him at

"Dietary supplements - Creating expensive Urine or a Key Addition to Modern Medicine"
by Dr's Monica & Gerald Lewis (NZ$25)
A bestseller which has sold out two printings and is only available online.
Reviews the need for good nutrition to maintain health and to recover from disease, details the actions and importance of minerals and vitamins, their actions and how they can be used to treat health problems. In addition to discussing their value in prevention, this booklet shows how many nutrients can help in many diseases from Alzheimer's, arthritis, epilepsy, migraine, palpitations, ulcerative colitis and 26 other diseases.
"Dr Gerald's Review of complementary therapies" (NZ$20)
Many people find complementary therapies confusing and hard to understand. Dr Gerald reviews most of the complementary therapies - acupuncture, aromatherapy, chelation, coronary artery treatments, EECP, energy work, homeopathy, intravenous Vitamin C, naturopathy, nutritional therapy, nutritional supplements, prayer, visualisation, yoga. In addition to a review of the treatment and discussion on how it may work or give benefit, each therapy also has a video from experts discussing the background, benefits, and results. eg in the acupuncture segment, there is a BBC video of a young woman having open heart surgery, wide awake but showing no discomfort.
Most patients fear the effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and need advice on how to best minimise the side effects. This booklet covers most of these effects and offers ways to reduce their severity. Topics covered include - bleeding and bruising, chemo brain, constipation, cramps,diarrhoea, dizziness, eye problems,fatigue, hair loss, mouth symptoms,nausea, poor appetite, nails, numbness, sexual problems, skin problems, infections, temperature, travel, urination...
Medical Consultations with Dr Gerald (NZ$100 - 150)
While it is impossible on line to give a comprehensive clinical consultation, Dr Gerald is happy to give his thoughts, offer a second opinion including both conventional and complementary advice on any medical condition.
All advice should be discussed with your health professional before instituting any changes. Contact him at
CANCER - these books and a video and consultation can be purchased as a set or separately.
Dr. Gerald's CANCER MODULE ($NZ 95)
For details on each, see individual items listed above
Dr. Gerald's CANCER MODULE ($NZ 95)
For details on each, see individual items listed above

- My journey with cancer - 45-minute youtube video.
- Cancer - A threat to your life or A chance to take control of your future?
- MP3 on-line reading of the cancer book

- Coping with Chemo
- An all-inclusive approach to treating Cancer
- Brief on-line advice consultation with Dr Gerald.
"Dietary supplements - Creating expensive Urine or a Key Addition to Modern Medicine"
by Dr's Monica & Gerald Lewis (NZ$25)
A bestseller which has sold out two printings and is only available online.
Reviews the need for good nutrition to maintain health and to recover from disease, details the actions and importance of minerals and vitamins, their actions and how they can be used to treat health problems. In addition to discussing their value in prevention, this booklet shows how many nutrients can help in many diseases from Alzheimer's, arthritis, epilepsy, migraine, palpitations, ulcerative colitis and 26 other diseases.
"Dr Gerald's Review of complementary therapies" (NZ$20)

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