Monday 2 May 2016

Genetic diseases can be changed

You can change your genes

While genetic coding and therapies are being investigated by pharmaceutical firms to try and treat disease, scientists have also discovered that we can change the effects of our genes. This is a whole new science called epigenetic's and I believe gives hope to so many people.
If you have a family history of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, and even some of the inherited diseases (Huntington's chorea, Down's syndrome, cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy etc.) – the effects of these can be changed by the way we live, the toxins we are exposed to or can avoid, and the nutrition we put in our bodies.
A quite neat and witty presentation of this can be seen here.

It seems that the genes make the major decisions, but their effect can be changed to some extent by the world we live in. For example identical twins who are brought up by different parents are often very different in their susceptibility to illness. Some genes work by affecting the metabolism, and optimal nutrition can frequently change the actions of the genes to make them less damaging, or even beneficial. Because many of these changes gradually develop over life, any treatment or approach which is likely to be effective should be a lifelong therapy.
Therefore people with inherited diseases or their children, should avoid the obvious toxins as much is possible, eat a diet which is healthy and nutritious, and make certain that the body has a surfeit of all the nutrients it requires. My recommendation would be to take an optimal dose of a good multivitamin and multi mineral, omega-3 fish oils (make certain it contains no mercury), additional calcium and magnesium, coenzyme Q 10 and probably a powerful antioxidant such as grapeseed extract. For people with neurological illnesses, there is a suspicion that may be coconut oil is beneficial for brain function, and it should probably be the cooking oil of choice.

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