Saturday 21 May 2016

Resveretrol may reduce heart disease via the gut bacteria

Resveratrol and red wine resveratrol and red wine may prevent disease by changing the bacteria in the gut (the microbiome).

Moderate amounts of red wine, probably acting through resveratrol is known to have significant health benefits reducing the incidence of heart disease, cancer and other conditions. In a recent paper (attached but it is virtually unintelligible unless you have a PhD in biochemistry), scientists from a Chinese University have shown that resveratrol reduces the amount of TMAO (trimethyl n oxide) which is a known risk factor for artery disease.

The resveratrol increases the levels of a number of bacteria in the gut (Lactobacillus and bifidobacterium) which seems to inhibit the production of TMAO.

It does seem that the bacteria in the gut (microbiome) is incredibly important, and something we are only just beginning to understand. It also suggests that food, nutrients, drugs which are not even absorbed into the body may well have a major effect, simply by changing the bacteria in the gut.

If you would like to read the article (I would not recommend this for the faint hearted), it can be found here

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