Sunday 5 November 2017

How your dog communicates

We can learn a lot more than we realise from our dog. They can't talk (other than bark or growl) and it is difficult to read any expressions on their face, however their tail can give us quite a lot of information.
Obviously this varies from dog species, but a wagging tail does not always mean that the dog is happy and friendly.
  • The tail lowered particularly between the legs, means the dog is scared, anxious or submissive.
  • When raised up the dog is excited, the higher, the greater the degree of excitement.
  • When wagged slowly, the dog is uncertain.
  • When wagged energetically, it is just what you think, happy enthusiastic
Even the direction can give information:
  • waving mostly on the right – is a happy wag, showing that they would like to approach.
  • Waving mostly on the left – suggest there is something they would like to avoid. (E.g. a large dog).
Interestingly other dogs can pick up on this direction, and this is one of the ways dogs communicate

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