Tuesday 21 November 2017

Sex very rarely causes heart attacks

There seems to be a fear that having sex can cause a cardiac arrest, probably aggravated by scenes in movies such as "something's gotta give" which makes patients and their partners more likely to avoid it.  This anxiety almost certainly reduces the pleasure in what is an important aspect of a relationship. We have known for a long time, and advise our patients, that if you can climb 2 flights of stairs, this is about equivalent to the cardiac exercise of sex (normal sex).

A recent study from the USA gives some very reassuring news. They studied over 4500 cases of sudden cardiac arrests, and only 34 cases were related to sexual activity within the preceding hour. 32 men, 2 were women. The average age was 60, with a range from 34 to 83. Interestingly a slightly increased number of patients survive their cardiac arrest, probably because of the presence of a "bystander" who could perform cardiac massage.

Although obviously from this information, provided they can climb 2 flights of stairs, sex is not something that should be avoided or worried about. Nevertheless with the new simplified form of CPR (chest compression is all that is necessary, mouth-to-mouth is no longer recommended), everybody should learn the CPR, in the very unlikely case of a cardiac arrest happening, in bed or elsewhere.

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