Monday 2 March 2015

Integrative health blog - what is it?

Do we really need another health blog?Why is this one any different?

Health today is going out of control.   Diseases which were rare in our grandparent’s time and before ( diabetes, coronary disease, cancer, obesity, Alzheimer’s and other neurological illnesses..) are all rising with frightening speed (see graphs).
People are aware that the medical profession, while in most cases doing its best, is very effective in treating symptoms, is almost useless in preventing these diseases, and rarely provides a cure - ‘Band aid’ medicine.   

Many a so called ‘Alternative practitioners’ attempt to provide what the medical profession does not, in many cases with success, but often one wonders if the care and concern they show for their clients also plays a part in their ‘success’.   We are now understanding the power of mind body medicine, the placebo effect and the ability of the patient to heal him/her self.

The patient/client has the choice of seeing one of these practitioners, but is almost never given the advice or option of seeing others who may be able to help better, or complement the therapy.   This is where Integrative Medicine is slowly establishing
a role.   Where a medical practitioner acts as a conductor and suggests therapies which may help, and looks at the patient as a whole, not a mixture of spare parts ( heart, kidneys, brain, lungs, gut, mind etc).

In this blog I will give my honest opinion on modern medical treatments and complementary therapies taken from over 30 years of specialist medical practice, and having spent the last 15 years working in conventional and complementary practices.   Although I have a subspecialty of Cardiology, I have remained a General Physician role, so look at the whole body, not just organ systems.    I also have a web site ( which provides my recommendations for specific diseases.   I am also happy to advise people and give consultations on line if they wish ( 

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