The Mediterranean is the best diet
There is enormous confusion about what is the best diet to follow - low fat, low saturated fat, low trans fat, low carb, high protein, paleolithic, fasting day diet....the list is endless. Most are complicated and unpleasant to follow for the rest of one's life. Unfortunately Cardiology has made saturated fat the sole culprit for many years and is having difficulty in saying "we got it wrong". The diets usually concentrate on what you cannot eat rather than what you can.

They also eat saturated fat in the form of cheese, and some meat as well. It seems that it is what you eat that is important, not necessarily what you 'should not'.
In a paper presented to the American College of cardiology 2015, a Greek study followed 2,500 adults for 10 years. those eating the typical mediterranean diet (rich in fresh fruit and vegetables, oil and fish) developed 47% less heart disease! That is HUGE - heart disease was halved by eating this very palatable diet. (It also reduced diabetes, obesity and blood pressure).
So what should we eat?
- Avoid processed foods as much as possible (filled with trans fats), and also reduce the sugar intake, which is the major cause of today's obesity epidemic. Moderation with salt and red meats.
- Add the mediterranean foods : fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, fish, olive oil and even a glass of red wine.
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