Monday 2 March 2015

Low vitamin D levels doubles size of a stroke

Low levels of Vitamin D double the size of a stroke.

In a paper presented at the International Stroke Conference 2015,  studied 96 patients after strokes – those with low vitamin D levels (<30ng/ml) had MRI evidence of brain damage TWICE that of those with higher Vitamin D levels (17 vs 8 mls).  The ‘poor 90 day outcome score’ was also doubled in those with low vitamin D levels.
Neurologists are seriously looking at checking vitamin D levels, but this is really after the horse has bolted.   Other studies which have shown low vitamin D levels increase cardiovascular risk, double the risk of having a stroke, increase risk of hip fracture post stroke – it does seem logical to maintain adequate vitamin D levels, and the only guaranteed way to achieve this is with supplementation.  
As you will see with this and subsequent posts, there are many good scientific and proven reasons why in today’s world we need to supplement our diet to enable our bodies to function the way they were designed to.   Until, we start doing this, from childhood all through life, then the disastrous direction that health is going, will continue unabated.

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