Thursday 12 March 2015

Exercise program helps Parkinson's disease

Exercise helps patients with Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease is not nice, especially as most patients are aware of their disease and cannot do much about it.    There are some good drugs, and supplements can help (see my web site (click here)), but patients wonder if there is more they can do.    Because of instability and the risk of falls, they have had a mixed picture on the benefits and disadvantages of exercise.    
How ever two recent studies leave no doubt that mild exercise is very beneficial:
1. In a paper in neurology (click here) half of 230 patients with Parkinson's disease were given 30-40 minutes exercise 3 times per week.   The exercise reduced the risk of falls by 60%, in those with mild disease, but made no difference in those with more severe disease.   However at all levels there were major benefits :  "the exercise group scored significantly (p < 0.05) better than controls on the Short Physical Performance Battery, sit-to-stand, fear of falling, affect, and quality of life,"  So starting exercise early after the diagnosis is made is best. 
2. A study of Tai Chi in Parkinson's patients (click here ) had similar results - with improved functional capacity and reduced falls. 

So for patients with Parkinson;'s disease, starting an exercise programme or Tai Chi or both will both slow down the disease process and hugely reduce the risk of falls. 

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